Police Misconduct Lawyer in Minneapolis, MN
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Joshua Newville, Minnesota Employment Lawyer, Civil Rights Attorney, and Mediator

Police misconduct refers to civil rights violations by police officers and law enforcement agencies. This includes wrongful arrests, unlawful search and seizure, and excessive force in the form of police brutality and unjustified police shootings that lead to wrongful death.

​Minnesota Police Misconduct Attorney


As a civil rights attorney practicing in Minnesota and beyond, I hold police responsible for violating people's constitutional rights. I have helped secure millions of dollars for victims of police misconduct, and few lawyers in Minnesota are as dedicated to pursuing justice for those who have had their civil rights violated. 

What is police misconduct?


Police misconduct refers to inappropriate or illegal actions taken by police officers in connection with their official duties. This could involve a wide range of behaviors including use of excessive force, racial or ethnic profiling, corruption, sexual harassment, racial or sexual discrimination, or other abuses of power. Here are some common types of police misconduct:


  • Excessive Force: This is perhaps the most well-known form of police misconduct. It involves police officers using physical force that exceeds what is necessary to perform their duties. This could range from physical violence to the inappropriate use of tasers, pepper spray, or firearm-involved police shootings.


  • Unlawful Arrest: This involves police officers arresting someone without probable cause that the person has committed a crime.


  • Unlawful Search & Seizure: This refers to a search or seizure conducted by law enforcement without a warrant, without probable cause, or without an individual's consent.


  • Failure to Intervene: This refers to instances where police officers fail to step in when they witness other officers engaging in acts of misconduct.


  • Racial or Ethnic Profiling: This involves police officers targeting individuals for suspicion of a crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin rather than any evidence of criminal behavior.


  • Corruption: This refers to police officers using their position of power for personal gain. It can include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement.


  • Sexual Harassment or Assault: This form of misconduct involves police officers engaging in unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. It can also include sexual assault.


  • False Testimony: This refers to police officers lying under oath, often to secure a conviction. This is also sometimes known as perjury.


  • Destruction of Evidence: This involves police officers destroying or tampering with evidence in a case.


All of these actions are serious and can have significant impacts on individuals and communities. They can lead to mistrust of law enforcement, hinder law enforcement efforts, and violate the constitutional rights of individuals. Police departments, municipalities, and the justice system have a responsibility to prevent and address police misconduct. This can involve training, oversight, accountability measures, and disciplinary action when misconduct occurs. Victims of police misconduct may also have legal remedies available to them, such as filing a lawsuit for damages.


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